Frequently asked questions about Motivation Cloud and their answers.
What minimum number of employees is allowed to use the service?
Our services are used by companies of all sizes, from those with less than 10 employees to those with more than 10,000 employees.
What is the cost?
It depends on the number of users and the plan, so please contact us for more information.
Is there any support after installation?
Our experts, who have led many organizations to transformation, can support you in designing survey operations and providing specific improvement advice.
Does the introduction of the system require a burden on the employees?
Surveys are answered just once every six months and can be completed in 15 minutes.
How long does it take from survey response to utilization?
After the survey is completed, the results are compiled in real time and can be used immediately.
In which languages is the survey available?
Survey responses are available in 13 languages;
Japanese, English, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Korean, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese(Brazil), Indonesian, Vietnamese, Thai, Malay, Tagalog
Is it possible to add our own questions?
Yes. You can set your own questions and get both quantitative and qualitative answers to them.
If we already have other surveys such as our employee satisfaction survey, we probably don't need Motivation Cloud.
Motivation Cloud is the only service that can not only quantify and visualize (SEE) organizational conditions through analysis using Japan's largest class of organizational data from 10,060 companies and 3.12 million employees, but also support subsequent goal setting (PLAN) and improvement measures (DO).
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